International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Lomonosov-2018"
Organizing Committee:
Academician Dmitry Yu. Puscharovsky, Dean of the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University
Deputy Chairman:
Professor Eugene A. Voznesensky, Vice Dean (for research activity) of the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University
Violetta V. Shanina, Scientific Associate of the Department of Engineering and Ecological Geology
Deputy Secretary:
Anna A. Suslova, Senior research geologist of the Petroleum Department
Council of Experts:
Chairman –Academician Dmitry Yu. Puscharovsky
Deputy Chairman –Professor Eugene A. Voznesensky
Members of the Council of Experts:
Nikolai V. Koronovsky – professor, head of the Department of Dynamic Geology
Anatoly M. Nikishin – professor, head of the Department of Regional Geology and Earth History
Igor S. Barskov – professor, head of the Department of Paleontology
Viktor I. Starostin – professor, head of the Department of Geology and Geochemistry of ore deposits
Antonina V. Stupakova – professor, head of the Petroleum Department
Yuliana V. Rostovceva – professor, head of the Department of Petroleum Sedimentology and Marine Geology
Mikhail V. Borisov – professor, head of the Department of Geochemistry
Aleksey L. Perchuk – professor, head of the Department of Petrology
Dmitry G. Koschug – professor, head of the Department of Mineralogy
Nikolai N. Eremin – professor, head of the Department of Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry
Sergey P. Pozdnyakov – professor, head of the Department of Hydrogeology
Viktor T. Trofimov – professor, head of the Department of Engineering and Ecological Geology
Anatoly V. Brushkov – professor, head of the Department of Geocryology
Andrei A. Bulychev – professor, head of the Department of Geophysical methods of the earth crust exploration
Mikhail L. Vladov – professor, head of the Department of Seismics and Geoacoustics
Valentin V. Shelepov - professor, head of the Department of Theoretical bases of development of oil and gas fields.
Subsection subjects:
Contact information:
Secretary – Violetta Shanina
E-mail: viosha@mail.ru
Deputy Secretary – Anna Suslova
E-mail: a.suslova@oilmsu.ru