International Conference Set-Theoretic Topology and Topological Algebra in honor of professor Alexander Arhangelskii on his 80-th birthday
We plan to provide accommodation for participants at the dormitory of Moscow State University in the Main Building of MSU (limited number of rooms). We regret that we are unable to cover the lodging expences of participants. The arrival day is August 23 and the departure day is August 28, 2018.
Hotels close to the University:
1. Hotel Universitetskaya (Michurinsky prospekt 8, building 1) Website: http://www.uhtl.ru/ The price of the room is from 2900 rubles. Average ratings in reviews: Yandex.Travel - 7.5 / Booking - 7.4 Distance from University - 1.2 (on a straight line) / 1.6 (on roads) km. The reviews are neutral-good.
2. Hotel Sputnik (Leninsky prospect 38) Website: http://www.hotelsputnik.ru/ Average ratings in reviews: Y 7.5 / B 7.4 Distance from University - 2.6 / 4.0 km. The hotel works, but is preparing for demolition.
3. Hotel Lomonosov (Michurinsky prospekt 34) Website: http://www.hotel-lomonosov.ru/ The price of the room is from 4000 rubles. Average ratings in reviews: Y 7.8 Distance from University - 2.0 / 2.7 км. A small hotel near the metro Ramenki. 23 rooms. The reviews are good. The hotel is undergoing a cosmetic renovation.
4. Hotel Yunost (Khamovnichesky Val 34) Website: http://hotelyunost.com/ The price of the room is from 2900 rubles. Average ratings in reviews: Y 6.7 / B 6.9 Distance from University - 3.0 / 4.8 km. Old hotel ner the metro Sportivnaya.
5. Hotel Akademicheskaya (Donskaya street 1) Website: http://www.maanhotels.ru/ The price of the room is from 3360 rubles. Average ratings in reviews - Y 7.9 / B 7.8 Distance from University - 5.7 / 7.2 km. The reviews are neutral-good.
6. Hotel Ahaus-Hotel (Nakhimovsky prospect 2) Website: http://www.ahouse-hotel.ru/ The price of the room is from 1500 rubles. Average ratings in reviews: Y 9.0 / B 8.4 The distance from University is 7.0 / 7.6 km. Budget hotel with small rooms (11-14 sq.m.), but with amenities in the room. 140 rooms. At the intersection of Nakhimovsky Ave. and Warsaw Highway. Direct buses 908, 487 from the stop Library of Moscow State University. The reviews are good.
7. Hotel President, Hotel Warsaw, Hotel Korston (all - on Leninsky prospect, the cheapest rooms - from 6-7 thousand rubles.).