Set-Theoretic Topology and Topological Algebra

International Conference Set-Theoretic Topology and Topological Algebra in honor of professor Alexander Arhangelskii on his 80-th birthday

Москва, Россия
Registration is closed
23 - 28 Aug 2018
MSU, Москва, Россия

Set-Theoretic Topology and Topological Algebra

International Conference Set-Theoretic Topology and Topological Algebra in honor of professor Alexander Arhangelskii on his 80-th birthday


Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Arhangelskii more than forty-five years works at the Faculty of
Mechanics and Mathematics, of which over thirty years in the position of professor. A.V. Arhangelskii is a pupil of Academician P.S. Alexandroff, who, together with P.S. Uryson founded the Russian (Soviet) topological school. And to this day the Russian topological school is one of the best in the world. His scientific results became classical and laid the foundation for such scientific areas as topological algebra, spaces of continuous functions, topological homogeneity. He wrote more than 330 works, more than fifty times A.V. Arhangelskii was an invited speaker at international conferences and symposiums. Monographs of A.V. Arhangel'skii "Topological function spaces", "Cantor set theory", "Finite-dimensional vector spaces", "Topological groups and related structures" (joint with M.G. Tkachenko) and joint with V.I. Ponomarev textbook "Fundamentals of General Topology in Problems and Exercises" became reference books for many mathematicians and translated into foreign languages. He established in Russia an authoritative scientific school: among the students of A.V. Arhangelskii 37 candidates and doctors of science, among them more than 20 professors.

 Topics include:

1. Set-Theoretic Topology

2. Mappings and Spaces

3. Topological groups

4. Topological function spaces

Conference Program:

August 23 (Day of arrival, Registration),
August 24 (Registration, Opening of the conference, Plenary and contributed talks),
August 25 (Registration, Plenary and contributed talks in the first half of the day), Excursion,
August 26  Banquet,
August 27 (Plenary and contributed talks),
August 28 (Plenary and contributed talks in the first half of the day, Closing of the conference).

Plenary speakers:

Alexander Arhangelskii (Александр Владимирович Архангельский),
Vesko Valov (Веско Валов),
Petar Kenderov (Петър Кендеров),
Witold Marciszewski (Витольд Марцишевский),
Jan van Mill (Ян ван Милл),
Shou Lin (Шоу Лин),
Julian Revalski (Юлиан Ревальски),
Masami Sakai (Масами Сакаи),
Mikhail Tkachenko (Михаил Ткаченко),
Franklin Tall (Франклин Толл),
Vladimir Filippov (Владимир Васильевич Филиппов),
Miroslav Husek (Мирослав Хушек),
Mitrofan Choban (Миторфан Чобан),
Dmitri Shakhmatov (Дмитрий Шахматов),
Istvan Juhasz (Иштван Юхас)



Lomonosov Moscow State University, Механико-математический факультет


Programme Committee:

V.A. Sadovnichy (chairman) - Academician, rector of Moscow Lomonosov State University

S.P. Gul'ko - Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions of Tomsk State University

J. van Mill - professor University of Amsterdam (Nerthelands)

M.G. Tkachenko - professor Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (Mexico)

V.V. Uspenskii - professor  Ohio University (USA)

V.V. Filippov - professor Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow Lomonosov State University

M.M. Choban - Academician AN Moldova,  Head of the Department of Algebra, Geometry and Topology of Tiraspol State University

Organizing Committee:

V.N. Chubarikov (co-chairman) - Acting Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow Lomonosov State University

Yu.V. Sadovnichy (co-chairman) - Head of the Department of General Topology and Geometry of Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow Lomonosov State University

D.P. Baturov - associate professor of Orel State University

A.N. Karpov - associate professor of Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow Lomonosov State University

K.L. Kozlov - professor of Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow Lomonosov State University

O.I. Pavlov - associate professor of RUDN University

E.A. Reznichenko - associate professor of Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow Lomonosov State University

O.V. Sipacheva - principal researcher of Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow Lomonosov State University

A.N. Yakivchik - associate professor of Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow Lomonosov State University

I.V. Yaschenko - principal of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence in the City of Moscow

The Conference is supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project  18-01-20053 г).



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Cost of participation

The conference fee is 1000 roubles.