6 - 11 Jun 2011
MSU, Suzdal, Россия

25th International Chugaev Conference

25th International Chugaev Conference on coordination chemistry

International Chugaev Conference on Coordination Chemistry is held in different regions of Russia every two years. It is the largest in CIS countries scientific forum covering both fundamental and applied aspects of modern coordination chemistry. One of its major tasks is to strengthen the role of fundamental research in solving practical problems. The Conference has a high international reputation.

25th Chugaev Conference will be held in Suzdal, Russia in the International Year of Chemistry. The conference program includes reports of leading scientists, oral communication on actual problem of coordination chemistry, huge poster sessions, and a school for young scientist. Roundtables on the most important and promising projects in the field of coordination and organometallic chemistry are also planned during the Conference.

Suzdal is a conference cite for the first time. Nevertheless it is the well-known historical and cultural center of ancient Russia. It attracts the tourist from every corner of the globe because Suzdal is one of the most beautiful Russian towns located not far from Moscow. A social program for the Conference participants and accompanying persons will be organized

Section 1.
- Methods of coordination compounds synthesis;
- Structure and properties of coordination compounds;
Section 2.
- Theoretical aspects of coordination chemistry;
- Mechanisms and intermediates of complex formation;
Section 3.
- Ligand reaction in the inner sphere of metal complexes;
- Metal-complex catalysis;
Section 4.
- Bio-inorganic chemistry;
- Supramolecular chemistry of coordination compounds;
- Аpplications of coordination chemistry in nanotechnology, material sciences, organic synthesis, ecology, medicine, agriculture, etc.

Conference program includes:
- plenary lectures (30 minutes);
- oral communications (20 minutes);
- poster session;
- round tables:
-- Official languages of the Conference is Russian and English.


Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Academy of Sciences
Branch of Chemistry and Material Sciences of the RAS
Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation
Scientific Council on Inorganic Chemistry of the RAS
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the RAS (IGIC RAS)
Institute of Solution Chemistry of the RAS (ISC RAS)
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technologies (ISUCT)


Prof. Zhizhin Konstantin Yurievich
Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the RAS
Phone: 7 (495) 954 4841,
E-mail: zhizhin@igic.ras.ru

Prof. Safonova Lyubov Petrovna
Institute of Solution Chemistry of the RAS
Phone: 7 (4932) 351679,
E-mail: conf-chugaev@isc-ras.ru