
The IIIrd (XIth) International Botanical Conference of Young Scientists in St.-Petersburg

Saint Petersburg, Россия
Registration is closed
4 - 9 Oct 2015
MSU, Saint Petersburg, Россия


The IIIrd (XIth) International Botanical Conference of Young Scientists in St.-Petersburg


The Scientific Program of the Conference will include invited plenary lectures and selected session talks arranged in ten main sessions.

1. Systematics and phylogeny of vascular plants;

2. Mycology and Lichenology;

3. Algology;

4. Plant anatomy and morphology;

5. Cell and molecular biology and metabolism of plants and fungi;

6. Embryology and reproductive biology of plants;

7. Geobotany and plant ecology;

8. Geography of vascular plants;

9. Palaeobotany;

10. Economic botany;

11. Plant conservation and environmental pollution;

12. Introduction of plants.

Conference will include plenary lections and session talks. Plenary lectures will be given by leading Russian scientists in their fields. No poster sessions will be held.

Methodic seminars in the format of round tables are included in the program of the Conference: ‘GIS technologies in botany and mycology’, ‘Modern methods of sequencing’ and ‘Modern methods of microscopy’.

The Book of Abstracts will be published prior to the beginning of the Conference.

Official languages of the conference are Russian and English. 


Ботанический институт им. В.Л. Комарова РАН

Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (BIN RAS),

BIN RAS Scientific Educational Center,

Council of Young Scientists of BIN RAS,

Russian Botanical Society


Organizing Committee of the III (XI) International Botanical Conference of Young Scientists in St. Petersburg Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS Professor Popov 2 str. 197376, St. Petersburg, Russia tel.: +7 (812) 346 08 54

E-mail: mol2015@binran.ru

All enquires to the Organizing Committee should be done by this e-mail.