21 - 22 Nov 2023
21 - 22 Nov 2023
MSU, Москва, Россия

International conference "Intellectuals and Power in Jewish history"

International Academic conference "Intellectuals and Power in Jewish history"

The relationship between intellectuals and power is extremely important in Jewish history: from Joseph and Moses in the court of the pharaoh to the conflicts of the prophets with the kings, from the “Jud Süß” and other “factors” of the German princes to the left intellectuals opposing the Israeli government. We are going to consider different models and different aspects of these relations, their meaning and consequences for both parties and for Jewish and non-Jewish society and/or state.
Without setting a chronological or geographical framework, we offer the following topics for reflection and discussion:
- Jews-intellectuals and Jews-bearers of power (monarchs, diaspora leaders, prime ministers, communal officials, court Jews)
- Jewish intellectuals and non-Jews - the bearers of power Intellectuals, power and the Jewish question in a non-Jewish state/society
- Jewish intellectuals and the power of money
- Jewish Intellectuals and the Four Powers (Three Branches of Power and the "Fourth Power")
- Intellectuals and the Religious Establishment in Jewish Society
- The imaginary relationship of intellectuals and power in Jewish culture
Conference working languages: Russian and English. 20 minutes are allotted for the presentation, 10 minutes for the discussion.
We are going to deliver the conference online and offline. Unfortunately, we can not offer travel grants or any financial assistance for those who wants to join us offline.

The organizing committee has the right to reject the submitting paper/abstract in case of non-compliance with the requirements for registration and / or inconsistency of the topic of the abstract with the theme of the conference.


Lomonosov Moscow State University, Институт стран Азии и Африки, Кафедра иудаики

Department for Jewish Studies, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University


Luiza Khlebnikova, PhD (History), Associate Professor, Department for Jewish Studies,

Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University
