22 - 24 Jun 2011

“Man and Environment: Enemies or Friends?”

“Man and Environment: Enemies or Friends?” International Conference Pushchino Biological Center of Russian Academy of Sciences

Pushchino, Россия
Registration is closed
22 - 24 Jun 2011
MSU, Pushchino, Россия

“Man and Environment: Enemies or Friends?”

“Man and Environment: Enemies or Friends?” International Conference Pushchino Biological Center of Russian Academy of Sciences

The biggest problem the 21 st century is the pollution of the environment. Development of technologies to improve our quality of life has its downside: there is contamination of the environment, harms not only man but also animals and plants, which ultimately leads to the impoverishment of fauna and flora diversity, and even the complete disappearance of many species . The increasing globalization leads to the fact that many of the processes of the local become international. Fewer still on the Earth groups, which do not affect the dramatic environmental changes
Conference devoted to such issues as the causes of air pollution, water, soil, the main factors of radiation, nano and noise pollution, the impact of pollution of the environment on humans, animals and plants; solutions to these problems: the state can do, science, business and yourself man


Lomonosov Moscow State University
 Center for Ecological Research and BioResources Development (CERBRD)
 Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences
 Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushchino Branch)
 Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science

Supporting Organizations
 US Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory
 US Environmental Protection Agency
 International Science and Technology Center (ISTC)


Вера Алексеевна Дмитриева
8 916 190 00 79; Тел/факс +7 (4967)

About partners

Logistic support
 Journal «Ecology and Industry in Russia»
 Journal «Bioprotection and Biosafety
 Journal "Ecology of Industrial Production
 Guild of Ecologists of Russia
 NewsVUZ”
 “Academic Conferences Worldwide”
 «Green Cross Russia»
 FP7 National Contact Center
 Internet Portal “Intellectual Youth”
 Youth Scientific Portal “Lomonosov”
 "Science and Technology RF
 Pushchino Information Agency
 “Internet-portal of Intellectual Youth”
 "Open Catalogue of Scientific Conferences”
 Newspaper «Poi

Cost of participation

2000 руб. Студентам 500 руб.