Scholarly journal "Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education"
The International scientific journal «Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education» (ISSN 2411-1473) is intended to integrate the efforts of the academic community and experts of different countries with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of research activities in the field of key technologies of the digital economy and its applications, and working out innovative models of technology development of digital skills for the digital economy.
Journal tasks are:
• to provide informational support of scientific research in the field of theoretical computer science, applied mathematics and informatics, aimed at the development of scientific and methodological foundations of convergent cognitive-information technologies;
• to provide informational support of advanced research projects and innovative activities in the field of convergent cognitive-information technologies and their applications;
• to promote integration of efforts in research and innovation activities, as well as in the development of methodological foundations and standards in such fundamental technological areas of the digital economy as the Internet of Things, Big Data, Reasonable Cities, Cyber Technical Systems;
• to promote the development of a national system (formation) of digital skills, the development, implementation, exchange of experience, standardization in the field of vocational education and innovative forms of staff training with digital skills for the digital economy.