IX International Scientific Conference "Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies"
The conference structure
The scientific program involves work in the following thematic areas:
Section 1. Theoretical questions of computer science, computational mathematics, computer science and cognitive information technologies.
Section 2. Parallel and distributed programming, grid technologies, programming on GPUs.
Section 3. Cognitive information technologies in control systems.
Section 4. Big Data and their applications.
Section 5. The Internet of Things (IoT): standards, communication and information technologies, network applications.
Section 6. Smart Cities: standards, cognitive-information technologies and their applications.
Section 7. Cognitive information technologies in the digital economics.
Section 8. Digital Transformation of Transport.
Section 9. Applied optimization problems.
Section 10. Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Cybersecurity of Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies.
Round Table on "The impact of the Internet of Things on the development of economy, science, education, social sphere".