IX International Scientific Conference "Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies"
The thematic scope of the conference Convergent'2024 has reflected the main trend in the development of scientific knowledge and technological bases of the information society, namely, the convergence of different scientific disciplines, basic and applied technologies existing under the conditions of rapid digital transformation of all activities and transition to the new scientific and technological system, characterized by the integration and interpenetration of Sciences and technologies, total intellectualization of the technological and instrumental base.
The growing integration and interpenetration of such technologies as, computer, communication, instrumentation, software, robotcontroller, nano-, bio-, cognitive, information, printing, and etc. leads to accelerated rates of scientific and technological progress, determines the formation of a new complex science-intensive technology areas. These directions should first include the Internet of Things (Internet of Things - IoT), Smart Cities (Smart Cities), Large data (Big Data), intelligent control systems, industrial clustering technology of the digital economy (digital economics). Wherein, as in previous years, one of the main catalysts of scientific progress as a whole and the development of the abovementioned areas are information technologies (IT), and now they are becoming a feature of the widespread use of artificial intelligence technologies. Therefore, unifying concept, namely, cognitive-information technology (CIT) or a smart technology is increasingly being used for information and cognitive technologies. Exploration and development of these important scientific and technological trends of the digital economy are the goals of the conference Convergent'2024.
The conference were held within the scope of the activities of the Federal educational-methodical Association in the system of higher education in the enlarged group of specialties and areas of training 02.00.00 Computer and Information Sciences.