Lomonosov 2016

International Conference for Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"

Москва, Россия
Registration is closed
Global Studies and geopolitics

Section «Global Studies and geopolitics»

Organizing Comittee: 

Chairman – professor, Doctor of Political Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Global Studies, I.V.Ilin.

Vice-chairman – associate professor, Candidate of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences, Deputy Dean for research work, R.R.Gabdullin;

Candidate of Political Sciences Deputy Dean for international cooperation, Rozanov А.S.


Expert Board:

Chairman – professor, Doctor of Political Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Global Studies, I.V.Ilin.


Members of the Expert Board:

professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, V.А. Zmeev;

professor, Doctor of Political Sciences, О.G. Leonova;

associate professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Y.N.Sayamov;

professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, А.D. Ursul;

professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, А.N. Chumakov;

professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Sh.Sh. Shahalilov.


Section «Global Studies and geopolitics» includes three subsections: «Global Studies», «Geopolitics» и «Global Security».


Contact information:

Executive Secretary – Julia Ariskina

Email: ariskina_julie@mail.ru


Coordinator — Margarita Morozova

Email: mrg-morozova@bk.ru

Phone: +7 (929) 579-08-50


Deputy coordinator – Alexander Artyomov

Email: art7alex@rambler.ru

Phone: +7 (926) 931-37-76