International Conference for Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Assistant Prof. Sergey Sokratov - Deputy Dean for Research of Faculty of Geography, Ph.D. in Geography (chair).
Assistant Prof. Andrey Ivanov - Deputy Dean for Students' Research of Faculty of Geography, Ph.D. in Geography (vice chair).
Pligina Svetlana - Head of Department of Scientific and Research work management (coordinator).
Liudmila Zaytseva - Senior Specialist of Department of Scientific and Research work management.
Valentina Toporina - Research Scientist of Environmental Management Department, Ph.D. in Geography (secretary).
Prof. Vyacheslav Baburin -
Head of Department of Economic and Social Geography of Russia, Chair of Commitee of Scientific and Research work, Doctor of Geography.
Assistant Prof. Nina Alexeeva - Acting Head of Deapartment of Global Physical Geography, PhD. in Geography.
Prof. Andrey Bredikhin - Head of Department of Geomorphology and Paleogeography, Doctor of Geography.
Prof. Alexandr Gennadiev - Deputy Head of Department of Landscape Geochemistry and Soil Geography, Doctor of Geography.
Prof. Kirill Dyakonov - Head of Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geography.
Dr. Alexandr Evseev - Leading Associate Researcher of Department of Environmental Management.
Prof. Alexandr Kislov - Head of Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Doctor of Geography.
Assistant Prof. Daniil Kozlov - Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science, PhD. in Geography.
Prof. Vladimir Kolosov - Head of Department of Geography of World Economy, Doctor of Geography.
Prof. Vyacheslav Konishchev - Head of Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology, Doctor of Geography.
Prof. Victor Kruzhalin - Head of Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism, Doctor of Geography.
Prof. Andrey Lukashov - Geomorphology and Paleogeography, Doctor of Geography.
Prof. Irina Lourie - Head of Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Doctor of Geography.
Prof. Svetlana Malkhazova - Head of Department of Biogeography, Doctor of Biology.
Assisstant Prof. Aleksey Naumov - Head of Department of Social and Economic Geography of Foreign Countries, Doctor of Geography.
Prof. Mikhail Slipenchuck - Head of Department of Environmental Management, Doctor of Economics.
Dr. Nikolay Sluka - Leading Associate Researcher of Department of Geography of World Economy.
Assistant Prof. Nataliya Frolova - Department of Land Hydrology, Doctor of Geography.
Prof. Roman Chalov - Department of Land Hydrology, Doctor of Geography.
Alexandr Shnyparkov - Leading Associate Researcher of Research Laboratory of Snow Avalanches and Debris Flows, Ph.D. in Geography.
Dr. Tamara Yanina - Head of Research Laboratory of Recent sediments and pleistocene paleogeography.
1. Landscape evolution: pattern, structure and dynamics.
2. Environmental changes: global and regional responses. Environmental management. Ecological risks and safety.
3. Economic geography and regional development. Econimical aspects of land use.
4. Political, cultural and social geography. Regional geography and area study.
5. The Earth's climate system: interactions between hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithospere and cryosphere.
6. New research methods and technologies in geography.
7. Expedition researches.
8. School geographical studies.
1.Apart from session "Expedition researches" only INDIVIDUAL abstracts are permitted to submission.
2. Organizing Team and Expert Committee will not consider abstracts submitted by the group of authors.
3. Only reseach groups of expeditions that have been organized with the help of Students Research Society of Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University take part in Confrrence.
Please contact the Oeganizing Team: 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, GSP-1, Leninskie gory, Faculty of Geography, Room 1825. Tel.: +7(495) 939-16-00, +7 (495)939-21-53.
Secretary - Valentina Toporina - valya-geo@yandex.ru.
Requirements for abstracts -http://environmd.narod.ru/abstracts_literature.docx
Requirements for abstracts (session "
Expedition researches) - http://environmd.narod.ru/abstracts_literature.docx