International Conference for Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Biology 2016
Organizing Committee:
Chair — Dr. Elena Temereva.
Secretary — Dr. Vortsepneva Elena
1. Anthropology Irina Sineva
2. Biochemistry Nikolai Sluchanko
3. Bioengineering Valery Novoseletskii
4. Biophysics and Bionanotechnology Adil Bayzhumanov, Anna Alova
5. Botany Margarita Remizowa
6. Cell biology and Histology Tatyana Lipina
7. Conservation Biology Vladimir Fridman
8. Developmental Biology Nastasya Kosheleva
9. Genetics Irina Elanskaya
10. Human and Animal Physiology Maxim Lovat
11. Hydrobiology and General Ecology Andrey Azovsky
12. Invertebrate Zoology Nadezhda Rimskaya-Korsakova
13. Microbiology Valeriya Korneeva
14. Molecular Biology Sergey Levitsky
15. Mycology and Algology Olga Kudryavtseva
16. Neurophysiology and Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity Alexandra Litvinova
17. Plant Ecology Vladimir Fedosov
18. Plant Physiology Irina Strizh
19. Vertebrate Zoology Pavel Kvartalnov
20. Virology Nikolay Nikitin
Contact information: Secretary — Elena Vortsepneva, e-mail: lomonosovbiology@gmail.com
Abstract title in bold – Times New Roman, bold, size 12 point center
First name Family name of Presenting author and Co-authors - Times New Roman, bold italic, size 12 point center
(affiliation: organization, country, city - Times New Roman, italic, size 12 point center )
Abstract body - Times New Roman, 12 - 1,5 interval. Maximum size 300 words – 1 page A4.
Text should contain next parts:
1. Objectives – 2-3 sentences
2. Material and methods – 1-2 sentences
3. Results – 7-8 sentences
4. Short discussion and conclusions – 4-5 sentences.
Please, do not use any illustrations, tables, notes, references, subtitles and manual hyphenation in the abstract. Put financial support as last paragraph of abstract body if needed. Use upper and lower indexes if necessary. Latin names must be italicized. Author and year of the taxon name must be mentioned only once and must not be italicized.