International Conference for Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Organizing Committee:
Chair – Yury P. Zinchenko, professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology MSU
Vice-chair – Olga A. Tihomandrickaya, professor, Deputy Dean for science work
Organizing committee members:
Almazova O.V., Andreiuk K.O., Arestova O.N., Bazarov T.U., Barabanshchikova V.V., Baranov A.S., Barshak S.I., Belinskaia E.P., Bratus B.S., Varako N.A., Veraksa A.N., Voznesenskaia V.S., Voiskunskii A.E., Gasimov A.F, Gusev A.N., Denisova L.U, Dolgikh A.G., Egorova M.S., Emelin V.A., Zagustina D.A., Zirenko M.S., Ilchenko A.I., Ishmuratova U. S., Kanushkina A.R., Kachina A.A., Kipiani A.Iu., Kirsanov K.A., Kisel`nikov A.A., Climova O.A., Clochkova I. V., Kovalev A.I., Kornilova T.V., Korobeinikova E.U., Kudriashov D.V., Leonov S.V., Matveeva L.V., Mezentceva A.S., Melnikova O.T., Menshikova G.Ia., Mikadze U.V., Mitina O.V., Mitina O.V., Molchanov S.V., Novitckaia A.I., Nurkova V.V., Petrenko V.F., Pechnikova L.S., Pluzhnikov I.V., Poskrebysheva N.N., Prihodko I.P., Rikel A.M., Sokolova E.E., Sokolova E.T., Soldatova G.U., Soloveva O.V., Solodov M.U., Starostina T. S., Stefanenko T.G., Sultanova F.R., Thostov A.Sh., Fedorova U.N., Folomeeva T.V., Hamitova P.A., Horoshilov D.A., Chanturidze O.V., Chentcov K.A., Shelina S.L., Shirokaia M.U., Shliagina E.I., Shcherbinina A.S.
Programme committee:
Chair – Yury P. Zinchenko, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology MSU, academician RAE
Programme committee members:
A.G.Asmolov – chair of the department of Personal Psychology, academician RAE;
T.V.Akhutina – chair of the department of Neuropsychology;
B.S.Bratus – chair of the department of General Psychology, corresponding member RAE;
M.S.Yegorova – chair of the department of Psychogenetics, corresponding member RAE;
A.N.Zhdan – professor of the department of General Psychology, corresponding member RAE;
V.A.Ivannikov – professor of the department of Personal Psychology, academician RAE;
O.A.Karabanova – chair of the department of Developmental Psychology;
A.B.Leonova – chair of the laboratory of Labor Psychology;
M.Sh.Magomed-Eminov – chair of the department of Extreme Psychology and Psychological Help;
G.Ya.Menshikova – chair of the laboratory of Perception;
V.F.Petrenko – chair of the laboratory of Psychology of Communication, corresponding member RAS;
A.I.Podolskiy – chair of the department of Psychology of Education and pedagogy;
S.D.Smirnov – professor of the department of Psychology of Education and pedagogy;
T.G.Stefanenko – chair of the department of Social Psychology;
N.F.Talyzina – professor of the department of Psychology of Education and pedagogy, academician RAE;
A.Sh.Tkhostov – chair of the department of Neuro- and Pathopsychology;
A.M.Chernorizov – chair of the department of Psychophysiology;
Yu.S.Shoigu – chair of the educational-scientific Center of Psychological Help of the faculty of psychology.
Subsection themes:
1. Actual problems of sport psychology and healthy lifestyle.
2. Actual problems of the modern family.
3. Adolescence and early adulthood: in search of themselves.
4. Clinical and psychological rehabilitation.
5. Clinical psychology, somatic psychology, clinical psychology of corporeality.
6. Cognitive psychology.
7. Contemporary issues of neuropsychology.
8. Economic psychology.
9. Educational psychology: learning and development.
10. Gender psychology.
11. General psychology: cognition and reality.
12. History, philosophy and methodology of psychology.
13. Innovative technology (virtual reality and eye tracking) in psychological research, education and practice.
14. Interdisciplinary studies of childhood and child development: modern approaches.
15. Internet psychology and cyberpsychology.
16. Modern organizational psychology: main development trends.
17. Modern trends in developmental psychology researches.
18. Parent-child relationship: structure, genesis, role in the development of personality.
19. Personality problems in differential psychology.
20. Personality psychology: a person and a situation.
21. Political psychology.
22. Psychological counseling and psychotherapy.
23. Psychology in practice.
24. Psychology of abnormal development.
25. Psychology of crisis and emergancy situations.
26. Psychology of media: psychology of internet and advertising.
27. Psychology of negotiation and conflict resolution.
28. Psychophysiology: towards an interdisciplinary synthesis.
29. Psychosemantics.
30. Qualitative and quantitative research methods of psychology.
31. Social psychology: problems of communication researches.
32. Social psychology: problems of groups and intergroup relations.
33. Social psychology: problems of personality research..
34. Work and engineering psychology.
Contact information:
Address: Russia, 125009, Moscow, Mokhovaya str. 11, b. 9; room 101a, Faculty of Psychology, Organizing committee «Psychology» section Conference of students and young scientists «Lomonosov-2016»
Tel.: (495) 629-57-82;
Executive Secretary: Alexandra Dolgikh, psylomo2016@gmail.com