International Conference for Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
The Organizing Committee of the Section:
Chairman - Shutov A.Y., doctor of historical sciences, dean of the faculty of political science of Moscow State University
Vice-chairman - Kuznetsov I.I., doctor of political sciences, deputy dean of the faculty of political science of Moscow State University
Executive secretary - Mamedov I.B., deputy head of the scientific department of the faculty of political science of Moscow State University
Members of the organizing committee:
doctor of political sciences Akhremenko A.S., candidate of philosophical sciences Butyrin G.N., candidate of political sciences Gorohov A.A., doctor of philosophical sciences Kovalenko V.I., doctor of philosophical sciences Kudryashova M.S., candidate of historical sciences Petrov A.E., academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of political sciences Pivovarov U.S., candidate of political sciences Setov N.R., doctor of economic science Sluckij L.Je., doctor of philosophical sciences Shestopal E.B., doctor of political sciences Shirinyants A.A., doctor of political sciences Yakunin V.I.
The Jury Expert:
candidate of historical sciences Abramova M.G., doctor of economic science Antropov V.V., candidate of philosophical sciences Artamonova U.D., doctor of political sciences Vasilenko I.A., candidate of philosophical sciences Demchyk A.L., candidate of historical sciences Evgenyeva T.V., candidate of political sciences Zverev A.L., doctor of economic science Zubenko V.V., doctor of political sciences Kapicyn V.M., candidate of historical sciences Karateev A.Y., doctor of philosophical sciences Kostin, doctor of philosophical sciences Kochetkov A.P., junior research assistant Konopalcev N.Ju., doctor of political sciences Manoylo A.V., candidate of sociological sciences Palitaj I.S., doctor of political sciences Popov A.V., candidate of political sciences Prokudin B.A., junior research assistant Smulkina N. V., candidate of historical sciences Topychkanov A.V., doctor of philosophical sciences Tsygankov P.A., candidate of economic sciences Yudenkov Y.N.
Contact Information:
Executive secretary – Mamedov Intigam