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Lomonosov 2016 International Conference for Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov" City Москва, Россия Venue MSU Registration Registration is closed
Поданные заявки Section All sections Bioengineering & Bioinformatics-- Bioengineering-- Bioinformatics-- Physical-Chemical Biology Biology-- Anthropology-- Bioengineering-- Developmental Biology-- Biophysics and Bionanotechnology-- Biochemistry-- Botany-- Virology-- Genetics-- Hydrobiology and General Ecology-- Invertebrate Zoology-- Vertebrate Zoology-- Cell biology and Histology-- Mycology and Algology-- Microbiology-- Molecular Biology-- Neurophysiology andPphysiology of Higher Nervous Activity-- Conservation Biology-- Plant Physiology-- Human and Animal Physiology-- Plant Ecology Asian and African Studies-- Ancient and Mediaeval History of Asia Africa-- Linguistics (Asian and African Languages)-- Theory and History of Literature in Asian and African States-- World Economy and International Economic Relations in Asian and African States-- Modern History of Asia and Africa-- Current History of Asia and Africa-- Problems of Social and Political Processes in Modern Asian and African States-- Religious, Ethnology and Cultural Studies of Asia and Africa-- Economics of Asian and African States-- Round Table Discussion “Challenges of Islamic State: Research Approaches and Resistance Strategies”-- Round Table Discussion “Perspectives of Russian-Turkish Relations”-- Round Table Discussion “Political Leadership and Stability of Regimes in Asia and Africa”-- Round Table Discussion “Democracy in Asia and Africa”-- Round Table Discussion “Territorial and border controversy and conflicts in East Asia”-- Round Table Discussion “Energy Studies (Asian and African States)” Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics-- Computer Graphics-- Mathematics-- Programming Geography Commission-- Environmental changes: global and regional responses. Environmental management. Ecological risks and safety-- The Earth’s climate system: interactions between hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and cryosphere-- School geographical studies-- Political, cultural and social geography. Regional geography and area study-- New research methods and technologies in geography-- Environmental evolution: pattern, structure and landscape dynamics-- Economic geography and regional development. Economical aspects of land use-- Expedition researches Geology-- Geocryology-- Geology, Geochemistry and of development of oil and gas fields-- Geology, Geochemistry and Economy of ore deposits-- Geophysical methods of the Earth crust exploration-- Geochemistry-- Hydrogeology-- Dynamic Geology-- Engineering Geology-- Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry-- Lithology-- Mineralogy-- Marine geological and geophysical research-- Paleontology-- Petrology-- Regional Geology and Earth History-- Seismic and Geoacoustics-- Ecological Geology Globalistics & Geopolitics-- Geopolitics-- Globalistics-- Global Security Public and Municipal Administration-- Actual problems of development of world economy-- Actual problems of management in the sphere of interethnic and interfaith relations-- Crisis management in modern conditions-- The state policy of Russia: problems and directions of development-- The history of management-- State scientific-technical policy: social evolution and prospects of development-- Political-legal problems of state sovereignty and prospects of development of global governance-- Reputational risks and strategic communication in the context of economic and political instability-- Strategic planning of the economy in national security-- Strategy of formation of personnel structure in the civil service-- Theory and practice of state and municipal management-- Technology performance management: traditions and innovations-- Personnel management: the challenges of the time-- Financial Technologies in Management-- The formation of an infrastructure of innovative development: world experience and Russian practice Public audit-- Government audit: the issues of public finance-- Legal support for public audit and civic control-- Legal support for public financial activityсе-- Problems of financial (accounting) investigations and economic security Journalism-- The conflict of world views in modern Russian journalism (subsection of Saint Petersburg State University)-- Literary process and journalism: history, criticism and political journalism-- Mass media in Russia and foreign countries-- Editing of media texts-- Advertising and public relations-- Stylistics of media language-- Theory and practice of media studies-- Philosophy Innovative Economy and Econometrics-- World economy-- in English: «The international economy in current conditions»-- Financial- economic strategy in the current economic conditions-- Econometrics-- Economic development and political systems Innovative natural resources management Foreign Languages and Area Studies-- Culture and Literature Studies-- Lexicology and Lexicography-- Linguistics: Cognitive, Linguistic and Cultural Aspects of foreign language communication-- Linguistics: Problems of modern sociolinguistics-- Linguistics: Modern linguistic research: phonetics, grammar, vocabulary-- Linguistics: Text and Discourse: problem analysis and interpretation-- Intercultural Communication-- Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Linguodidactics: Actual problems of foreign language teaching-- Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Linguodidactics: ICT in the teaching of foreign languages-- Translation Theory-- Regional Studies-- Language and Mass Media Art Criticism and History-- Historical Art Studies-- Historical musicology-- Music and Theatre History-- Semiotics and General Theory of Art History and art history-- Archeology and Ethnology-- Historical Information Science (Digital History)-- Ancient World History-- Art History-- Modern and Contemporary History of of European and American Countries-- Russian Medieval and Modern History-- Soviet and Contemporary Russian History-- History of the post-Soviet states-- Ecclesiastical History-- Southern and Western Slavic History-- Round table “Nikolay Karamzin and Russian history”-- Medieval History of Western Europe and Byzantium Mathematics and mechanics-- Aeromechanics-- Real, complex and functional analysis-- Computational mathematics, mathematical modeling and numerical methods-- Computational mechanics-- Gas and wave dynamics-- Geometry and topology-- Hydromechanics-- Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics-- Differential equations, dynamical systems and optimal control-- Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory-- Mechanics of composites-- Applied mechanics-- Theoretical mechanics and mechatronics-- Probability theory and mathematical statistics-- Theory and methods of teaching mathematics-- Theory of plasticity-- Theory of elasticity Management-- International Business-- Management Teacher education and educational technology Political sciences-- State policy-- Historical memory and modern politics-- History of politics and political science-- The history of social and political studies abroad-- The history of social and political studies in Russia-- Mathematical modelling of political processes-- World politics and international relations-- Global political studies-- Political communication in modern world-- Political psychology-- Political aspects of quality of life-- Political conflicts in the modern world-- Political development of Russia in the context of new geopolitical challenges-- Comparative politics-- Theory of politics Soil Science-- Soil Biology-- Soil Ecology, Genesis and Evolution-- Soil Rationing and Certification. Land Assessment-- Soils of Urbanized and Anthropogenic Landscapes. Problems of Soil Pollution and Revegetation-- Preservation and Increasing of Soil Fertility-- Soil Physics. Soil Erosion. Information Technologies in Soil Science-- Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy Psychology-- Actual problems of sport psychology and healthy lifestyle-- Actual problems of the modern family-- Adolescence and early adulthood: in search of themselves-- Clinical and psychological rehabilitation-- Clinical psychology, somatic psychology, clinical psychology of corporeality-- Cognitive psychology-- Contemporary issues of neuropsychology-- Economic psychology-- Educational psychology: learning and development-- Gender psychology-- General psychology: cognition and reality-- History, philosophy and methodology of psychology-- Innovative technology (virtual reality and eye tracking) in psychological research, education and practice-- Interdisciplinary studies of childhood and child development: modern approaches-- Internet psychology and cyberpsychology-- Modern organizational psychology: main development trends-- Modern trends in developmental psychology researches-- Parent-child relationship: structure, genesis, role in the development of personality-- Personality problems in differential psychology-- Personality psychology: uncertanly calls-- Political psychology-- Psychological counseling and psychotherapy-- Psychology in practice-- Psychology of abnormal development-- Psychology of crisis and emergancy situations-- Psychology of media: psychology of internet and advertising-- Psychology of negotiation and conflict resolution-- Psychophysiology: towards an interdisciplinary synthesis-- Psychosemantics-- Qualitative and quantitative research methods of psychology-- Social psychology: problems of communication researches-- Social psychology: problems of groups and intergroup relations-- Social psychology: problems of personality research-- Work and engineering psychology Public Relations and Theory of Communication-- Government relations: communicative strategy of decision-making theory-- Communication management-- Communication in the modern world-- Advertising in the USA and Great Britain: present state and prospects of development-- Public relations in the state and public organizations-- Public relations in business-- Modern Internet communications-- Financial communications: tendencies and prospects Social studies and the present-- Менеджмент в информационном обществе-- Социально-демографическая ситуация в с овременной России-- Социологическое исследование современ ности: теории, методы, результаты Sociology-- History and Theory of Sociology-- Methodology of Sociological Research-- Political Science and Sociology of Political Processes-- Contemporary Sociology-- Sociology of Administration-- Sociology of Communication Systems-- Sociology of International Relations-- Sociology of Education-- Sociology of Organizations and Social Technologies-- Sociology of Family and Demography-- Economic Sociology and Marketing Television Theory, History and Methodology of Translation Physics-- Astrophysics-- Atomic and Nuclear Physics-- Biophysics-- Geophysics-- Mathematics and Computer Science-- Mathematical modeling-- Medical Physics-- Molecular Physics-- Nonlinear Optics-- Optics-- Radiophysics-- Superconducting and electronic properties of solids-- Solid state nanoelectronics-- Theoretical Physics-- Physics of magnetic phenomena-- Physics of the Solid State Philology-- "The work is dirty, invisible, not selfish…" (dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Dal's Explanatory Dictionary First Edition)-- English Philology-- Baltic Literature and Languages-- Byzantine and Romaic Philology-- Geolinguistics and artificial languages-- Germanic and Celtic Philology-- Derzhavin, Karamzin and their Epoch (dedicated the 250th anniversary of N.M.Karamzin's Birth and 200th anniversary of G.R.Derzhavin's Death)-- Ibero-Romance Philology-- History of the World Literature-- History of the Russian Literature-- History of the Russian Literature of the XX-XXIcc.-- Classical Philology-- Cognitive linguistics-- German Philology-- General and Contrastive Linguistics-- Romance Philology-- Russian for Foreign Students-- Russian Language-- Russian Folklore-- Philology of Slavonic Languages-- Modern fantasy from the epic to RPG-- The Brontës' Writings: context and interpretation (dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Charlotte Brontë's Birth)-- Theoretical and Applied Linguistics-- Theory of Discourse and Communication-- Theory of Literature-- Rhetoric-- Terms and Terminological Systems in Modern Languages-- Philological Study of Text Translations-- Finno-Ugric Philology-- French Philology-- Language and Literature of the XVIII c.-- Language and Languages in the Internet Communication Philosophy. Cultural studies. Religious studies-- Biology, medicine and philosophy: common problematics of disciplines (round-table discussion)-- History of foreign philosophy-- History and theory of world culture-- History of Russian philosophy-- Cultural studies-- Logic-- Ontology and epistemology-- Contemporary popular culture studies-- Social philosophy and philosophy of history-- Strategic management and economic policy-- Philosophy of video games-- Philosophy and methodology of science-- Philosophy of education-- Philosophy of policy and law-- Philosophy of religion and religious studies-- Philosophy of language-- Philosophical anthropology-- Aesthetics-- Ethics Fundamental Medicine-- Clinical medicine-- Experimental studies Fundamental material science and nanomaterials Chemistry-- Analytical chemistry-- Macromolecular compounds-- History of chemistry-- Catalysis-- Inorganic chemistry (for PhD students and young scientists)-- Inorganic chemistry (for students)-- Organic chemistry-- Radiochemistry and Radioecology-- Physical chemistry – I (Adsorption, Surface processes, Electrochemistry, Colloidal chemistry, Spectroscopy, Quantum Сhemistry, High Energy Chemistry)-- Physical chemistry – II (Chemical Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics)-- Life science, Nanobiomaterials, and Nanobiotechnology Economics-- Institutional economics-- Economic history and history of economic thought-- Macroeconomics-- Marketing-- Economic Methodology-- Microeconomics-- Population and Economics-- Food security and agricultural economics-- IT application in Russian economy-- Risks and risk mitigation methods-- Public economics and Regional economics-- Financial management in modern companies-- Accounting, analysis and audit-- Financial markets under global instability-- Innovation economics-- Industrial organization and antitrust policy-- Environmental, energy and biotechnology economics-- Health, education and welfare economics-- Labor economics Jurisprudence-- Administrative law-- English language and law (in English language)-- Law of civil procedure-- Civil law-- Intellectual rights-- History of foreign state and law-- History of Russian state and law-- History of the political and law teachings-- Commercial law-- Constitutional and municipal law-- Criminalistics-- Mediation-- International law-- German language and law (in German language)-- Law-enforcement authorities-- Business law-- Legal ethics-- Family law-- Theory of state and law-- Labor law-- Law of criminal procedure-- Criminal law-- Financial law-- French language and law (in French language)-- Ecological and land law-- Energy law-- International private law World Politics-- Informational Support of Foreign Policy-- International Security-- International Organisations and World Political Processes-- Area Studies: East-- Area Studies: West City Apply a filter Reset Шиповская Елена Геннадьевна Российский государственный социальный университет, Факультет психологии, Москва, Россия (2008) Шлепин Василий Валентинович Московский государственный гуманитарный университет имени М.А. Шолохова, Москва, Россия (2009) Белов Илья Анатольевич To beginning426427428429430
Шиповская Елена Геннадьевна Российский государственный социальный университет, Факультет психологии, Москва, Россия (2008)
Шлепин Василий Валентинович Московский государственный гуманитарный университет имени М.А. Шолохова, Москва, Россия (2009)