The V International Scientific Congress “Globalistics-2017” will be held on September 25-30, 2017. Russian president Vladimir Putin has signed a decree making 2017 the Year of Ecology. The move is designed to attract public attention to environmental problems, maintain ecological diversity and protect global ecological security.
2017 marks several memorable events for the world and Russian scientific community: the 100th anniversary of the 1917 October Revolution in Russia; and the 100th anniversaries since the birth of outstanding scientists - Ilya Romanovich Prigogine (1917-2003) and Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseyev (1917-2000). 2017 also marks the 125th anniversary of another famous researcher Nikolay Dmitrievich Kondratyev (1892-1938).
The International Scientific Congress “Globalistics” is held under the auspices of UNESCO and is the world’s leading scientific platform aiming to serve its international community in providing a forum for sharing knowledge & expertise and development of international cooperation in the area of global studies. The head organizers and hosts of the Congress are the Lomonosov Moscow State University, E. M. Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University).
The Congress is co-hosted by the International Global Research Academy, the International public organization "Eurasian Commonwealth", V. I. Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation, Russian Ecological Academy, Russian Philosophical Society, the International Global Studies Consortium, The International Scientific Community "Global Studies Conference", and N. D. Kondratyev International Foundation, The Pitirim Sorokin Nikolay Kondratyev International Institute. The Congress information partners are represented by the following journals: "Alma Mater" (Bulletin of Higher Education), "International Affairs", "The Age of Globalization."
In the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation, the all-Russia public organization "The Public Russian Ecological Academy" and M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University are launching the International Scientific and Educational Project "Think Globally!" At the first stage, from January to August 2017, a competition among young scientists, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students will be held. The competition will be directed to identify and promote the projects, pilot studies and ideas of practical application in the field of efficient use of energy and resources, clean industries, ecological education, awareness and social initiatives. The participants of the projects will make their presentations on the scientific platforms of the Congress will. The final session will assess the results of the Conference and laureates awards. The topics of the competition nominations will be closely connected with the scientific agenda of the Congress.
2017 marks the 100th anniversary since the birth of the outstanding Belgian mathematician of the Russian origin Ilya Romanovich Prigogine (1917-2003). The MSU Institute of Complex Systems Mathematical Research (IMISS MSU) has been named after Ilya Romanovich Prigogine. The research conducted at IMISS focuses on the spectral theory of operators and its application in dynamic systems. The areas of research include development of mathematical apparatus for description of complex processes in biology and medicine; creation of effective methods for recognition of images and processes in management of nonlinear dynamic systems; cross-disciplinary forecasts of development for Russia and other countries.
2017 also marks the 100th anniversary since the birth of the prominent Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of general mechanics and applied mathematics, alumnus and professor of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University - Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseyev (1917-2000). His field of study included applied mathematics; computer numerical methods in the field of theory and methods of calculation for management systems and trajectories of space objects, theory of optimal control, modeling of the global phenomena of dynamics of the biosphere and its stability in case of anthropogenous impacts (in particular, models of "nuclear winter"); global ecology and global evolutionism.
2017 is also the year of the 125th anniversary since the birth of the outstanding member of the Russian school of economic thought at the end of 19th and early 20th centuries, the world famous, great Russian scientist Nikolay Dmitriyevich Kondratyev (1892-1938). His scientific works reflected the results of researches in the following areas: laws and regularities of statics, cyclic dynamics and sociogenetics; study of "big" economic cycles, or long waves in business environment (subsequently, called Kondratieff cycles); theory of anticipation (forecasting), issues of economic planning; economic environment, agrarian issues, history of social development doctrines; general systems theory; and sociology.
These remarkable researchers came to an extremely important conclusion that remains relevant today: the prospects for solution of global issues, finding a model of sustainable development, ability to live in harmony with nature – they all considerably depend not only on the collective consciousness of society, but also on the self-consciousness of each individual taken separately. A key to success here is to form a world outlook concept founded on achievements of globalistics as an interdisciplinary sphere of scientific knowledge. Ability to predict results of the acts, eminence of internal culture, self-perception as a part of fragile global system – all these are important qualities which humans must acquire in their efforts to create a progressive society.
Co-Chairpersons of the Congress Program Committee:
Academician V. A. Sadovnichiy, Academician A. A. Dynkin, Academician A. V. Torkunov
Contact Details of the Organizing Committee:
Mailing Address:
Faculty of Global Studies,
1st Arts Building, Room 1163,
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Leninskie Gory, Building 1, Structure 51,
119991, GSP-1, Moscow, Russia
Telephone: +7 (495) 939-47-13, +7 (495) 939-41-81, +7 (495) 939-43-23
E-mail: congress2017@fgp.msu.ru
Web-site: http://www.fgp.msu.ru, http://globalstudies.top
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
• E. M. Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences
• Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University)
• International Global Research Academy
• The Association of Scientific and Educational Centres of the BRICS
• The International Public Organization "Eurasian Commonwealth"
• Russian Ecological Academy
• Russian Geographical Society
• Russian Philosophical Society
• The Pitirim Sorokin Nikolay Kondratyev International Institute
• V. I. Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation
• N. D. Kondratyev International Foundation
• "Alma Mater" Journal (Bulletin of Higher Education)
• "International Affairs" Journal
• “The Age of Globalization” Journal
• Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Series XXVII. Global Studies and Geopolitics Scientific Journal
• “Science and Technology” Internet Portal (http://www.strf.ru)
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Я принимал участие в качестве докладчика возможно ли получить сертификат в электроном виде, т.к. к сожалению не смогу принять участие в подведении итогов и торжественном закрытии Международного научного конгресса "Глобалистика-2017".
The sustainable (eco-logical) interplay of bio-physical economics, the nature of capitalism and human systems morality should be analyzed and discussed from the scientific viewpoint of land (natural resources & real estate/assets), monetary tools (money & banking/liquidity) and economic value creation (by land/rent, labor/wages, capital/interest).