11-th International Conference "Intelligent Systems And Computer Sciences", 2016
11-th International Conference "Intelligent Systems And Computer Sciences", 2016
Moscow State University
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, Russian Academy of Technical Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Council on Cybernetics of Russian Academy of Science with the financial support of "Inteligent systems" Ltd. organize the XI International Conference "Intelligent Systems and Computer Science" at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University from November 28 to December 02, 2016.
The main topics of the Conference are:
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, Russian Academy of Technical Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Council on Cybernetics of Russian Academy of Science with the financial support of "Inteligent systems" Ltd.
The suggestions and wishes should be sent to the Scientific Secretary of the conference, Dmitri V. Alekseev, at the following address: http://intsys.msu.ru/mail/?to=102.
Mail address:
Moscow 119899
Vorobjovy Gory, Moscow State University
The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Room 1201
The Department of the Mathematical Theory of Intelligent Systems.
Phone: +7 (495) 939-46-37
Abstracts are accepted by e-mail only.
Registration fee is 250 EUR for non-CIS participants (100 EUR for students and post-graduate students), 50 EUR for CIS participants, and 3000 RUR for Russian participants. Students and post-graduate students from Russia and CIS may participate without fee. Students and post-graduate students should provide documents proving their status. Foreign participants may pay registration fee after arriving to Moscow State University.